ABOUT POETRY Without apology this poet travels the long road to spontaneity.
BUT IS IT POETRY? A thought provoking list which will hopefully inspire some additional input from the rest of you.
CAN POETS MATTER? The Silkster's passionate rebuttal to the classic Dana Gioia piece, Can Poetry Matter?
COUNTERPOINT IN POETRY A discussion of counterpoint in poetry using as an illustration the Gerard Manley Hopkins poem, 'The Windhover'.
CREATIVE DEPRESSION: Recent studies have shown that writers are four times more likely than others to suffer from affective disorders, particularly manic depression. Is this the result of their creativity - or vice versa?
"Lately " writes Tim, "I've become increasingly sceptical about the value of line-breaks in much free verse. This article considers the possibility of dispensing with them."
A reflection on how personal values (in this case, environmentalist ones) impact on the poems a poet writes. An interesting read and a delightful "peek" into Michael's F O T O Album.
THE ESSENCE OF POETRY This essay on the craft of making poetry is fairly lengthy, but well worth the time it takes to read it. Save it or print it out to read with a good cup of coffee.
FORM AND TECHNIQUE IN POETRY A discussion of the role of form in today's poetry, with a look at the 'Imagist Manifesto' of Ezra Pound and company.
Another musing from Ed who still insists he is more philosopher than poet.
INSPIRATION All creative acts are inspired. But by what? Join Ed in a philosophical conversation with his Muse.
INSPIRED MUSINGS Inspired by Ed Petrick's essay on Inspiration, Dave gives his own spin on the Muses.
OBSCURITY "Why are some poems 'difficult'? Here I'd like to concentrate on some of the more legitimate reasons for obscurity, borrowing some ideas from maths and the visual arts."
LOGOPOETRY I An Introduction to Logopoetry - An Alternative Term for "Post-Modern" Poetry. (The first of a series of well-read articles by the editor of The Melic Review.)
The second instalment of this series states "The first concern of logopoetry is that art be intelligible."
LOGOPOETRY III: THE MANDALA OF BALANCE The author's favourite of the Logopoetry series deals with balance as one measure of artistic merit
LOGOPOETRY IV: THE MANDALA OF BALANCE (cont'd) Mr Chaffin concludes the series with a continuation of his discussion on the Mandala of Balance.
NOTES ON MODULATION A discussion of one poetry editor's pet peeve: over descriptiveness.
POEM TITLES "What constitutes a 'good' title? Like any craft, choosing the best title for a poem is intuitive," says Jerry.
POETRY AND PROSE An interesting discussion, including examples.
THE RABBIT AND THE DUCK It's all in how you look at it - or is it?
SYNERGY AND THE POETRY SUBCULTURE Article by Jonathan Powers followed by (II) an excerpt from an interview with Dana Gioia and (III) comments by C.E. Chaffin
A TRAIL OF ONE'S OWN Should we "bend the rules" in search of our own voice?
Web Publishing
A discussion of motivation for publishing poetry on the Web.
WHY MONKS ARE POETS "Each of us, as working aspects, reflects the nature of the universe through our desire to carry on the creative process."
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