Gator Springs Gazette
a literary journal of the fictional persuasion


Tasty Links
by Minerva Invicta

Gator Springs Gazette is a grass roots effort which sprang from discussions among writers posting on Zoetrope's novellas wing discussion board. Then called the Novellas County Gazette, it appeared about twice a month with some features which were Zoetrope-specific and possibly too topical or esoteric for appreciation by the more general audience of the web. Leaving out those items, this edition of GSG was distilled from the 11 September 2001 issue of the Novellas County Gazette (posted prior to the infamous events of that unforgettable day). Many of the other editions will be brought on line for you as the editors find time to devote to the project.

And the editors have chanced upon these tasty links for your enjoyment while putting together this edition of the gazette:

Leni's Franz Kafka Page - its tongue in cheek perspective doesn't put you off reading one of the most comprehensive Kafka sites around. And if you would prefer something more sophisticated, try the links page.

Everything is a Goat (a later version of the Bill Capra article from which Wanda Le Sabre's editorial appropriates gratuitously) - An introduction to Goatism, exploring current developments in Goat Philosophy.

The Jean-Paul Sartre Cookbook - love it!

Tonya Judy's Flush Fiction Magazine is now in its fifth month of publication and mirroring the changing lifestyle of its editor. Teejay brings us this issue live from Vermont. (Our copy editor, Blind Carbon Copy, unfolds more 'history' in the February edition.)

2024 Editorial Note:

Tasty Links was a popular feature that did not translate well into the future. In this case, we were able to find current versions of the old links. Flush Fiction Magazine, like so many other great zines from the era, no longer exists but it was fun while it lasted. Blind Carbon Copy's features are available in the Morpheus Arms section of this site.

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