
Our eyes of scattering crows,
will see this town obliterate us

back to phone numbers
and addresses. Love ends

in smoking silk numerology,
with streamers and fakir ropes

of steam dissipating from 3s
or 9s, until 3319 is a number

once again, and not a church
where the risen held each other

into a jumping forest of sleep,
for a sure exchange of dreams.

I had the ambition of jet engines,
while you could lay out time soft

and easy as a picnic blanket.
As I die, your antique pendant

will rush again as a gold creek
veiny into the palest apple hills.

I hope to visit you just then
as something more than a speed

of men in doors; maybe proof
of your boldest miles travelled.

We sail as comets close round
the Earth, then off to the grevious

cold of interstellar space. (Love
lost still blows this universe apart.)

We turn, the door clicks bone shut,
then strangers form the heavens

once again for astronomers like us,
each sky chaotic, fine as quantum light.

© John Kilroy

john kilroy | iguanaland