My Little Night Job

Body for body, dancer and foot
Dream life goes seeking with banjo and lute
Goes rowdy round with lofty sounds
That heap and coil and flirt
About the silky curtain of her skirt
In multitudinous curls and cries
Upon the moonbeams of her thighs

   But lie here in calm weather
Now fall, now float, like some slow
mulling after thought of low
   smokey twirling themes
winding   forever into you it seems.
     O careful mover, sweet night user,
   entwined our unity stirs
the foamy stars.
What’s in your rushing feet
would do to light, to sway and sweep
   that far yonder   castle keep
where death and time are laid to sleep.

If there’s a downside it can’t be mine
Though I’ve stayed in my room days at a time
Skin and bones and scared to speak
While the money men touched their
   sweaty gizzards
And talked on the phone
Knowing I am easy
But madness prone
   that   in the banjo and the flute
As in the strings of Shakespeare’s lute
Lies the darkness love defends
In the fingertips where the world begins.

© Jo Neace Krauce


My Little Night Job is about love for music and living within that love. Some of us want to turn into music and I think that is what the voice in the poem seeks, another existence through sound and rhythm.... where death and time are laid to sleep.

Jo Neace Krause
Bonfire contributor